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Research & Publications

The Trinity Human Rights Group: 1) conducts novel research on sustainability; 2) partners with leading institutes on issues and solutions of labor trafficking for governments, corporations, and local communities, and; 3) produces high quality research that analyzes existing global data to offer unique solutions that build upon and highlight other organization's research and findings. Trinity's research also serves to refine its consulting services and training program, ensuring the most current and relevant information to date is included.

Please let us know if you would like to work with Trinity to draft op eds, articles and research papers, or submit your current research work for publication. Simply provide us a description of your paper or article idea, and how it will advance the eradication of labor trafficking. Please include your background and experience, and we will contact you to conduct an interview to learn more about your unique potential to support Trinity and combat human trafficking.

University students take advantage of this unique opportunity to become published!

Our research topics include:

Government Contracts

Economics of Labor Trafficking

Supply Chains

Research that provides for tangible solutions is necessary where there are gaps in the current literature on labor trafficking.

While the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), applies to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and foreign national workers in the U.S., the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.222-50 on Prohibition of Human Trafficking in Federal Contracts governs government contracts performed abroad that exceed $500,000. While both the TVPA and the FAR address labor trafficking in some way, there is still a gap that leaves no recourse to trafficking victims, whose perpetrators are employed abroad by private U.S. companies or by U.S. government contractors with overseas contracts valued less than $500,000.

Trinity's research and corporate consulting services explore remedies for human trafficking violations not covered under federal laws. It also addresses ways to strengthen compliance with these laws by private corporations and government contractors, and enforcement mechanism used by Contracting Officers and U.S. officials.

It is vital that corporations keep their supply chains free from trafficking, while maintaining viable service and product prices in order to remain competitive in their particular markets. Trinity understands that corporations are created in order to generate income; rather than denigrate corporations for this purpose, Trinity partners with corporations to research the economic benefits of slavery-free supply chains.

Such partnerships include assessing the economic risks corporations face under federal and state legislation, as well as risks stemming from law suits by victims seeking restitution for violation of their rights.

Trinity also conducts research on the money-laundering aspects of labor trafficking. Globally, labor trafficking generates approximately $150 billion in illegal profits. The research will assess how the billions of dollars generated on the backs of enslaved laborers is laundered and capitalized. Moreover, research in this area explores anti-money laundering practices as a way to eradicate human trafficking.

The United States has become a "consumer of suffering" according to Elena Tansey, member of the SGI-International, by consuming goods made off of those who are suffering to make them.

For many Americans, human trafficking may seem like something that happens "over there" to "those people", without realizing the impact it is having on our every day lives. The fact is that not only does this crime occur in every country, we face the consequences of it every time we eat a meal or shop for new clothes. People being trafficked can be found at the farming stage for a tomato in our local markets, in a clothing factory where young girls and boys dye and sew jeans to be sold at The Gap, or on Thai ships whose shrimp can be found on our tables and in our cat's food.

A supply chain is the process through which raw materials pass in order to be distributed as commercial products. At any point during these supply chains, people are being enslaved through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Trinity's focus on labor trafficking is two-fold: 1) to bring awareness on how Americans are directly affected by labor trafficking, and 2) to provide solutions for how individuals, organization, nation states and corporations can begin to eradicate labor trafficking from supply chains.

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